Posted on Aug 10, 2017

Visit from Dutch Rotarians

Past President Rotarian Lise is the owner of Hotel The Champs and she had Dutch guests staying with her that are Rotarians.
So Lise made sure to bring them to our club meeting on Thursday August 10, 2017 at our usual location Rejens Hotel.
Our guests were Rotarian Thië Lijklama a Nijeholt and his Rotary-Anne Mrs Jolanda Nijenhuis.
Thië is the treasurer of his club, Rotary Club Roden-Leek in the north of the Netherlands, District 1590.
This year's president of his club is Mr Cees Laffra, and the Immediate Past President is Mr Bernard Tilema.
There was a pleasant exchange of information about how our clubs are running, what projects and fundraisers we're doing and a great mix of fellowship and fun. 
President Ezra and PP Lise presented to Rotarian/Treasurer Thië our club banner and we expect to receive one in exchange from his club by the mail. It will come but things take time in Dominica. When we receive it, you will see it in our next newsletter. 
Thank you very much Thië and Jolanda for joining us at our clubmeeting. It was a pleasure and we learned some new things how we can improve our Rotary experience.