Thank You! Merci!
A Word of Farewell from the Departing District Governor
Dear Rotarians in District 7030
Today is my last day as governor of our district. I was honored to work with you and to represent our district. We have one of the best districts in the Rotary world.
It has been a pleasure to visit all the countries, support all projects you presented to me and shared with all of you and your family. It was also wonderful to put in place a District Manuel of Procédures both for Rotary and Rotaract. I'm very proud of our district.
I have been appointed to serve next year as the chair of the District Training Committee and Chair of the District Governor Nominating Committee for our District. These will be great opportunities to be involved in areas where I have interests.
I wish Elwin Atmodimedjo the very best as our new governor. He will represent us well, and I hope you support Elwin, as you have me.
Best wishes in all you do, and please continue to light up Rotary in our district.
Hervé Honore
Governor 2013-2014 - Incoming Past District Governor
District 7030