Portsmouth Hospital Emergency Room Project
An ambitious project is taking shape
The Portsmouth Hospital Emergency Room is not up to standards of the 21st century and for a city developing into the country's major tourist area it is not a good business card to present. A new and ambitious project of the Rotary Club would essentially provide a redesign of the current facility inclusive of equipment.
The project is now expected to exceed $175,000 (to be confirmed) and our club should thus apply for global funding by Rotary International. This can be obtained if we cooperate with one or more Rotary clubs in other countries.
Project Coordinator Rotarian Michael Light has been doing great work leading this and will soon compile the necessary information so as to have a more complete scope of work / cost in order to begin the grant application process, as well as the process of getting formal government approval. RotarianTrish's husband Angus has volunteered to assist with architectural drawings for the space. It was confirmed with the Minister of Health that this project will not require planning permission as it is not structural but the Ministry must approve it before work begins. Dr. Gerald Grell (Honorary Rotarian and a founder member of the Roseau club) has been involved and Ross University will help to oversee the implementation and functioning of medical and teaching aspects of the new facility.
Rotarian Robin Foley, member of the E-Club for South-East USA and the Caribbean, has recently visited Dominica and came to see the project. His club could maybe partner with us for a global grant.
By letter of Jan 28, 2014 Dominica's Ministry of Health "strongly supports the project to renovate the Emergency Room".
We will keep you posted on the progress!